How Loose-Fill Insulation Installation Is Done And Why Loose Fill A Good Choice For Your Attic

If your attic needs more insulation, then look into the benefits of loose fill. If your attic currently has fiberglass batt insulation, you may prefer fiberglass loose fill, but you could also choose cellulose. Here's why loose-fill insulation is a good choice and how it's installed.

Why Choose Loose-Fill Insulation Over Batt

Loose-fill insulation is an improvement over batt insulation because it is made up of small pieces of fiberglass or cellulose instead of being shaped into rigid blankets. This means the insulation has better coverage, and it can get into irregular areas much easier so no spots on the floor are missed that could allow heat transfer.

Plus, you can control the amount of insulating ability by controlling the amount of insulation you have blown in your attic. The deeper and denser the pieces of insulation, the higher the R-value is. The R-value is a way of rating how well the material insulates, so if you want more insulation, you want a higher R-value.

How Fiberglass And Cellulose Compare

Both types of insulation are good choices, but they do have some differences. For one thing, they have different R-values. When comparing equal amounts of insulation, cellulose has a higher R-value than fiberglass.

Cellulose insulation is made up of mostly recycled paper that's been treated with insect repellent and fire retardant. Fiberglass is a mix of recycled glass and sand. Both materials block heat transfer, but if you're looking to achieve a certain R-value, you may need to add more fiberglass loose-fill than you would cellulose.

How Loose-Fill Insulation Installation Is Done

Loose-fill insulation installation is done by blowing it in your attic. A contractor brings equipment to your home that consists of a blower that sits out in your yard and a long hose that reaches your attic. The insulation is then packed in the blower machine by one worker while another worker handles the hose that shoots the insulation into your attic.

The insulation is blown to the far edges of the attic first as the worker fills the insulation to the proper depth to create a solid uniform blanket over the floor. Because loose-fill insulation releases fibers when it's blown in, the work crew needs to wear protective equipment to prevent skin irritation and inhalation of the fibers.

Loose-fill insulation installation is a fairly quick job, but the contractor might need to add some extra touches such as sealing gaps and air leaks with caulk or spray foam. They'll also need to insulate around the attic door and other areas where loose-fill insulation may not be appropriate.

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Construction: Work That Matters

Construction workers and contractors do not always get the "thanks" they deserve. But we all depend on these workers more than we realize. The floor underneath your feet was made and supported by contractors. As you drive to work, the road that passes beneath you was built by a construction team. They may not wear flashy badges or the prettiest uniforms, but construction workers do some really important, meaningful work. Our world would be completely different without them. We can't even imagine what it would look like! To do our part and honor construction workers, we have started this blog. We hope you do your part and read it.


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